10 Signs You May Have Too Much Debt

Sep 20, 2022 By Susan Kelly

You may have too much debt if you are having trouble making your debt payments or if your prices are so high that they prevent you from doing anything else.

Not being able to save, falling behind on bills, and needing to borrow additional money to get by are all consequences of excessive debt that can arise even if the payments are manageable. The following are warning indicators that you may have too much debt.

When Does Debt Become Unbearable?

Nearly every family in the United States has mandatory annual costs. Mortgages, rent, cars, credit cards, and, in many cases, education loans are all things that must be paid for. The question that has to be solved is how much money should be allocated to each department.

According to financial experts, how much money you should put into these things is outlined below. Most mortgage payments cost between 31% and 36% of a household's gross annual income.

When consistent wage hikes are not possible, such caps may need adjusting. Health care and higher education were also more affordable for previous generations.

You Have No Idea What You Owe

Avoiding financial obligations won't make them disappear. If you're avoiding your debt deliberately, it's likely because you have more money owed than you can reasonably hope to repay. Get your hands on a copy of your credit report and your most recent account statement from each of your creditors. The total amount that you owe will be shown here.

Payment Delays Caused by Financial Shortfall

If you have more debt than you can afford to pay off each month, you have accumulated too much debt. If you are having trouble making monthly payments due to a lack of funds, you may consider seeking debt consolidation services. If you pay late, you'll incur additional fees and penalties.

Avoiding Debt Collector Calls

When debt collectors begin contacting you, it's a sign that your bills have fallen behind and may soon become unmanageable. You may be able to prevent creditors and debt collectors from calling you for a time, but that shouldn't make you think they won't eventually suit you for the money you owe them. In a successful lawsuit, the creditor may be granted the right to garnish your earnings or levy your bank account.1

Taking Out a Loan to Pay Off Past Due Bills

Too much debt exists when you resort to borrowing money from friends and family, using credit cards, or getting a cash advance from a loaning company to make ends meet. As your options for borrowing money dry up, you'll be forced to confront your debt head-on with lenders and loved ones.

Financial Worries Keep You Up at Night

Can't go to sleep because you're stressed about paying the bills? Can't sleep because you're worried about making ends meet? It's a clear indicator that your debt level has skyrocketed. The stress of mounting debt can exacerbate preexisting health conditions. Reducing stress and, in extreme situations, saving your life are two benefits of developing a strategy for paying off debt.2

Money Affects Work Performance

It's time for a change in strategy when your financial problems start showing up at work. A job loss at this time may be disastrous since it would significantly reduce income.

Your Emergency Fund Is Gone

It's not always the case that having no savings indicates having too much debt to manage. It's a red flag if you've had to dip into your emergency fund to cover basic expenses like rent or food because you've been so preoccupied with paying off debt.

You Look For Financial Relief

The debt burden might lead many to seek solace in drugs and alcohol. You can even be in debt because of the price of medications. If you want to get out of debt for good, one of the first things you should do is undergo treatment for substance misuse.

You Have To Have Credit To Live

You know you have a problem if you have to put your grocery bill on a credit card. You're either not making enough money or not doing an excellent job of managing the money you have. You either need to figure out how to get by on the money you already have or find a means to make more money.

The Money You Spend Is Being Hidden

Debt levels are likely too high if you feel you can't be open and honest about them with those closest to you. Maybe you're hooked on debt if you hide it from others for fear they'll discourage your spending.

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